What is Harvard’s GMAT Cut off Score?

What is Harvard’s GMAT Cut off Score?

The MBA application process at Harvard is considered to be one of the most competitive ones in the world. To be able to gain admissions into HBS, you will need a profile that is exemplary in all aspects. Your profile must be convincing to the admissions committee that you are worthy of getting admitted into the MBA program at Harvard and coping with the rigorous program. In turn, you can be certain that HBS will assist you to attain your career goals.

The GMAT score contributes significantly towards the MBA application process. You will need to ensure that you have a perfect GMAT score so that your application is desirable for the admissions committee. Next is the most important question — what is considered a good GMAT score to gain admissions into Harvard Business School or what is the Harvard GMAT Cutoff?

Any score above 750 in the GMAT exam is considered a good GMAT score to gain admissions into HSB. However, a lot of Indians apply at Harvard, hence, gaining admission isn’t that easy due to the high competition. Therefore, it would be ideal that you have a higher GMAT score (around 760) in addition to a well-rounded profile.

Obtaining a good GMAT score will allow you to concentrate on the other important elements of your application like – resume, essays, letters of recommendation. You can also commence your preparation for the interview.

In the next section, we are going to talk about GMAT vocabulary. Having a good vocabulary not only benefits you to ace the verbal section of the exam — a necessary section that contributes to your GMAT score —but also helps you in general. You can easily understand all terminologies if you make it into a program at Harvard and will also be able to communicate your thoughts and ideas clearly during the program. So, let’s take a look at GMAT vocabulary.

One of the 4 sections of the GMAT exam is the Verbal Reasoning section. This section of the GMAT is scored in the range of 6 to 51. It contributes to the cumulative score significantly. Although there is no separate section to evaluate your vocabulary, it is necessary to possess good vocabulary knowledge to be able to answer the questions in the verbal section. The verbal section has the following types of questions — Critical Reasoning, Sentence Correction and Reading Comprehension.

The above sections don’t use very complex vocabulary in their questions but you will still need to develop your basic vocabulary skills to be able to score well in the verbal section of the GMAT.  In the Critical Reasoning and Reading comprehension questions you will be given questions with challenging text and you will be expected to extract relevant information from it. After you do so, you will need to form strategies accordingly to answer the questions which follow.

Some of the most common words which you might encounter in the GMAT verbal section are — analyse, assumption, cite, clam, dearth, mitigate, paradox, posit, redundant, undermine, warranted. You will need to include these words in your GMAT vocabulary reading list. Even though you wouldn’t be expected to give the exact definition of these words, you will need to understand the context in which they are used in certain sentences.

Some of the useful strategies you can employ to improve your vocabulary skills are — learn a new word each day, use GMAT flashcards to enhance your vocabulary, develop a reading habit and also attempt GMAT mock exams occasionally.

We hope you gained sufficient information regarding the cut-off details for Harvard Business School and the GMAT vocabulary.

Good Luck!


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