Warren Buffett’s Net Worth 2020

Warren Buffett’s Net Worth 2020

Capital: € 74 billion
Age: 89
Born: 30.08.1930
Country of origin: United States of America
Source of wealth: Entrepreneurs
Last updated: 2020

Short introduction

Warren Buffett is an American businessman, large investors, and generous. As the CEO of his investment company Berkshire Hathaway, he is one of the richest and most respected business people in the world.

Early Life

Warren Edward Buffett was born on August 30, 1930 in Obama, Nebraska as the second oldest child of Leila and Howard Buffett, a stockbroker who served as a member of Congress. He showed extraordinary talent for money and business at a young age and was impressed with the fact that he could calculate the large column of numbers on his head. At one of his first shops, Buffett sold gum, coca-cola bottles, and weekly magazines from home to home. He worked at his grandfather’s grocery store. At the age of eleven, he began working in the financial world and bought shares for himself and for his sister Doris. In 1942, Buffett’s father was elected to the US House of Representatives and his family moved to Fredricksburg, Virginia closer to the new Congress post. Buffett attended Wilson Woodrow High School in Washington, DC, where he continued to plan new ways to make money. During his school years, he made money by sending newspapers, selling golf balls and stamps. Warren Buffett graduated from school at the age of 17 years. It was never intention to learn because he had received $ 5,000 for sending newspapers (this is equivalent to $ 42.610.81 in 2000). His father planned other ways for his son and persuaded Warren to enroll at the Wharton business school at Pennsylvania University. Buffett only studied at the University for two years and was unhappy that his knowledge was greater than his professor. When his father was defeated in Congress in 1948, Warren returned to Omaha and moved to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Apart from full time work, he managed to get a bachelor’s degree in just three years. After being rejected by Harvard Business School, Buffett enrolled at the Columbia Business School at Columbia University after learning that the role model was taught by Benjamin Graham investors. Buffett received a master of science in the economic field there in 1951. After graduating, Buffett attended the New York Institute of Finance.


Buffett returned to Omaha and worked as a stockbroker while taking a public speaking course. With what he had learned, he felt quite confident to teach the night course “Investment Principle” at the University of Nebraska-Omaha. The average age is more than twice yourself. During this time he also bought Texaco Sinclair gasoline station as a side investment, which was unsuccessful. In 1954, Buffett took a job at Benjamin Graham company as a securities analyst. When he retired in 1956, Buffett’s personal savings were more than $ 174,000 (now around $ 1.64 million) and he founded Buffett Partnership Ltd. Buffett operated seven partnerships until 1960. In 1962, Buffett became a millionaire because of his partnership, who at that time. have a surplus of $ 7,178,500. Buffett has an excess of $ 1,025,000. He combines this partnership into one. Buffett invested in Berkshire Hathaway and finally controlled the textile factory. In 1966, Buffett partnered to invest new money. He then claimed that the textile business was the worst business. He then turned to the insurance sector. In 1973 Bershire began buying shares in the Washington Post Company and in 1979 shares in ABC. In 1988, Buffett began buying Coca-Cola Company shares, and finally bought up to 7 percent of the company of $ 1.02 billion. This will be one of the most profitable Berkshire investments and the Berkshire still survives.

Career spotlight.

In 2008, Forbes was ranked Buffett as the richest person in the world with a net worth of approximately $ 62 billion. According to the 2019 Forbes list, its wealth is around $ 83 billion and number 3 in the list of the richest people in the world. In June 2006, Buffett announced that it would donate all its assets to charity, 85 percent of which will go to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This donation is the largest fundraising event in the history of the United States. In 2010, Buffett and Gates announced that they launched a Gived Trumping campaign to attract more rich people for philanthropic purposes.

Famous quotes

“If you are one of the most happy 1 percent of humanity, you owe humanity to think about another 99 percent.”
“I always realize that I will get rich. I don’t think I’ve ever doubted about it.”

Success tips

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and need five minutes to destroy it. If you think about it, you are more careful.”
“No need to do extraordinary things to achieve extraordinary results.”
“I measure success with how many people love me.”

Net Worth 2020

As of 2020, his estimated net worth is around 10,980 crores USD


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