How Different Kinds of WhatsApp Chatbots can be Helpful for Businesses?

How Different Kinds of WhatsApp Chatbots can be Helpful for Businesses?

WhatsApp’s simplicity is the key to its success. With its user-friendly and intuitive UX, the majority of users interact with it on a daily basis. Moreover, about half of the population of the world has an account on it, demonstrating the global reach of WhatsApp’s user base.

Above all, WhatsApp is a program that can use a variety of plugged-in technologies. One of the most cutting-edge “plugins” available today is the AI chatbot, a kind and perceptive aide that understands what customers say and provides useful responses.

It might be a good idea to include chatbots and whatsapp automation into your customer care plan if you’re a business owner looking to increase client engagement and productivity. If you are interested to do so, read below to learn about different kinds of whatsapp chatbot and their benefits to business:

Who Can Use WhatsApp Chatbot?

You must apply for and be accepted for the WhatsApp Business API before you can set up a chatbot on WhatsApp. User experience and safety are important to WhatsApp. Therefore, Meta guarantees that each company that is given access to the API complies with their Commerce Policy.

You may use an official BSP or carry it out on your own. Using a reputable provider makes process management easier, and many of them offer extra features and services like chat managers, campaign managers, chatbot builders, and personalized customer support.

Different Types of WhatsApp Chatbots

Since its introduction in the mid-1990s, chatbot technology has experienced significant advancements. The initial AI assistants didn’t leave much of an impact and damaged the reputation of bots for many years. But that was a long time ago. These days, conversational solutions with or without artificial intelligence are not only more widely available, but also beneficial and trustworthy. Let’s explore the available possibilities of WhatsApp Chatbots now!

  • Rules-Based Chatbots

If you know the kinds of questions customers will ask, a multilingual chatbot might be the answer. For the purpose of automating WhatsApp business processes, rule-based chatbots using if/then logic build WhatsApp automation flows. Your clients will get a quick reply through whatsapp business solution automation if the incoming inquiry meets the criteria defined by your chatbot.

  • Scripted/Quick Reply

As the name suggests, a scripted chatbot communicates with the user by using technical skills and a predefined knowledge base that responds solely to specific requests. The questions in that case have to match the language that the bot is designed with. This bot can be used for repeated questions and FAQs.

  • Chatbots with Voice Enablement

Voice-enabled chatbots give users a personalized Whatsapp business automation experience. These voice-activated chatbots take user requests, respond to queries, and do a range of creative tasks. Text-to-speech (TTS) and voice recognition APIs can be used by businesses to build voice-activated chatbots.

  • Machine Learning-based Chatbots

Ever wondered about the definition of a contextual chatbot? Compared to the first three chatbots, a contextual chatbot is far more advanced. These chatbots use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to remember specific user conversations so they can develop and learn.

Contextual-aware whatsapp chatbot are more intelligent than keyword recognition-based chatbots as they can learn from users’ requests and how they ask for things. These bots can be used for a variety of purposes for a business, like customer care, marketing, and more.

  • Natural Language Processing Chatbots

Many people consider chatbots to be among the most significant applications of artificial intelligence (AI). Natural Language Processing (NLP), an artificial intelligence approach that associates text or speech input with a purpose, is its key technology.

After using natural language processing (NLP) to classify messages, response variables are produced using language parsing.

  • Social Messaging Chatbots

Chatbots for social media are integrated into messaging apps such as Whatsapp and others, allowing users to converse with the bot in a manner similar to that of their friends.

If your company uses a social media scheduler that incorporates WhatsApp chatbots for automation, you may immediately boost engagement with Instagram post scheduling.

Wrapping it Up

There are various kinds of WhatsApp chatbots, as mentioned above. All of them can be useful if used appropriately and under the correct conditions, yet some are easier to use than others. Asking yourself what you want your chatbots to achieve is all that’s necessary.

Gupshup offers all types of whatsapp chatbot for business mentioned above. These bots could help with omnichannel support, lead qualification, and more. If you are confused about what kind of bot would be a right fit for your business, you can immediately get in touch with Gupshup.


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