Claudia Roth Net Worth 2020

Claudia Roth Net Worth 2020

Capital: € 3 million
Age: 64
Born: May 15, 1955
Country of origin: Germany
Source of wealth: Entrepreneurs, politicians
Last updated: 2020

Short introduction

Claudia Benedikta Roth (born May 15, 1955 in Ulm) is a German green politician. From 2004 to 2013 he was one of two party leaders and now is one of the Bundestag vice president.

Early Life

Roth Claudia began her artistic work, which she always looked at political, in the 1970s as director of artistically trained in the theater in Memmingen. Furthermore, he worked at Dortmund City Theater and Hoffmanns Comic Theater, and until 1985 he worked as a manager for the political rock ribbon “Ton Steine ​​Scherben”. He came into contact with a green campaign tour. In 1985 he became a press spokesperson for the Greens parliament group.


In 1989 European elections in West Germany, Roth was elected for the first time as a member of the European Parliament for Greens. Roth is a member of the new committee on civil liberties and internal affairs, Foreign Foreign Committee and Human Rights Subcommittives. He was also a member of the two European Parliament Investigation Committees, Racism and Xenophobia request Committee, Crime and Medicine Investigation Committee and EC-Turkey Parliament Committee.

From 1989 to 1990, Roth while the deputy chairman of the Green Group in the European Parliament. In 1994 European elections, Roth was again chosen as the main candidate for Alliance 90 / The Greens in the European Parliament. Until 1998 he was the Chair of the Green Green Group in the European Parliament, initially in conjunction with the co-chair Alexander Langer (1994-1995) and then Magda Aelvoet (1995-1998). During this second term as MEP, he was another member of the Civil Liberti, Justice and Domestic Committee of the European Parliament, the Subcommittee on Human Rights and the EC-Turkish Parliament Committee, where he became a deputy chairman. He also remains a member of a replacement for the Foreign Committee.

Roth Claudia ended his work as Mep when he became a member of the Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen Parliament in Bundestag after the 1998 Bundestag election. He became a member of the Committee on EU affairs and representatives of the Committee in the internal affairs of the German Bundestag. He was also elected to lead the newly established human rights and humanitarian assistance committee.

On March 9, 2001, Roth was elected Federal Chairman of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen at the Stuttgart Party Congress and then resigned from the Bundestag at the end of March 2001. At the same time, he was spokesperson for the Alliance 90 / The Greens on a woman’s problem.

In the 2002 Federal Election, Roth was chosen to be the Bundestag as the top Bavarian candidate for the Alliance 90 / The Greens. Since then he has become a member of the Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee and the Cultural and Media Committee. He was also a cultural spokesperson for the Bundestag Parliament Group BundaTnis 90 / Die Grünen and the chairman of the German-Turkish parliamentary friendship group.

From March 2003 to October 2004, Roth worked in the second cabinet Chancellor Gerhard Schröder as the federal government commissioner for human rights policies and humanitarian assistance in federal foreign offices. Roth became the federal president of the 90 / The Greens alliance again in October 2004 and was re-elected several times, last in November 2010. In 2012, he could not affirm himself as number one in the election campaign for the 2013 federal election. After this defeat, he did not sure if he will run away again for the party leader position. Volker Beck party friend started a support campaign for him on social networks and called it his candy. Party members then replay Roth with support of 88.5 percent.

Roth was the deputy chairman of the German-Iranian Parliament’s Friendship group from 2005 to 2009 and held the same position in the German-Turkish friendship group from 2005 to 2013.

Career spotlight.

Roth was elected as vice president of the German Bundestag on October 22, 2013. In addition, he was a member of the parliamentary council, which, among other things, established daily agenda items and assigned committee seats based on representative parties. He is also a member of the Cooperation Committee and Economic Development and Subcommittes on Cultural Relations and Education Policy. He is also a member of the German Bundestag Advisory Board.

Roth is part of the negotiations for the establishment of the Coalition Government with Christian Democrats – both the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Christian Social Union in Bavaria (CSU) – and the Democratic Party are free (FDP) after the 2017 Federal Election of the 14-member of the Green Delegation.

Shortly after the United States launched a military operation in Afghanistan in October 2001, Roth criticized the use of anti-personnel cluster bombs as “inappropriate”. When green then opposed their pacifist root and mostly chose to send a German army to Afghanistan as part of the ISAF security mission led by NATO, Roth claimed that “[Greens] was and would remain an anti-war party. But I think in a state certain must be possible to act militarily to stop violence. “

In 2010, Roth was called publicly for “strict control and more stringent criteria for weapons export”. In 2014, he filed a complaint to the Federal Constitutional Court, along with Greens Meps Katja Keul and Hans-Christian Ströbele, on the grounds that it was not constitutional for the government to maintain the bundestag in the dark about the planned weapons agreed because this would prevent parliament from doing it fulfilling The task of maintaining the government is still checked. The court ruled that the government while the government was not required to disclose information about the exports of planned weapons, needed to provide details to the Bundestag on request after a certain weapon agreement was approved.


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