Christian Lindner Net Worth 2020

Christian Lindner Net Worth 2020

Capital: € 1.5 million
Age: 41
Born: 07/01/1979
Country of origin: Germany
Source of wealth: Entrepreneurs, politicians
Last updated: 2020

Short introduction

Christian Lindner (born January 7, 1979 in Wuppertal) is a German politician, North Rhine-Westphalia lawmaker and Chairperson of the FDP.

Early Life

Christian Lindner was born in Wuppertal. His father Wolfgang Lindner taught mathematics and computer science at the Wermelskirchen Grammar School. After graduating from secondary school in 1998 and completed his civil service, he studied political science at Bonn University from 1999 to 2006.

After eleven semesters, he received the art of art (MA). The main topic of the main thesis is: “Tax competition and income distribution. Can the financial constitution reformed?” In 2006 he began writing a dissertation under the direction of Professor of Political Science Frank Decker, who still had not completed because of his political activities.

During his studies, Lindner served as a reserve officer in the Air Force. In 2002 he was awarded the rank of lieutenant in a backup. In 2008 he was a liaison officer for the command air force in Düsseldorf and since September 2011 he has become a backup captain.


Lindner joined the FDP in 1995. He has been a member of the FDP Board in North Rhine-Westphalia since 1998 and became the Secretary General in 2004 (until February 2010). In the state selection in May 2000, the 21-year-old Lindner was elected as the youngest member in the history of the state parliament. First he was a “family spokesman and integration” and later from 2005 to 2009 Deputy Chairperson of the FDP group in parliament and spokesman for innovation, science and technology. In 2007 he also became a member of the FDP Executive Board at the federal level.

Lindner has been a member of the German Bundestag since 2009. In negotiations to form a coalition government after the Federal 2009 election, it is part of the FDP delegation in the working group in the family, immigration and cultural integration under the leadership of the Maria Bemer and Hans-Joachim Otto. From December 2009 to an unexpected resignation in December 2011, Lindner is also the FDP secretary at the federal level under the leadership of the Philipp Rösler party leader. His resignation was caused by a forced internal voting by the party.

Lindner then chose the FDP chairman in North Rhine-Westphalia before the state selection in 2012 and replaced Daniel Bar. In elections, FDP received 8.6 percent of the vote, exceeding all expectations. After the party won the election, he was elected as Chair of the

FDP Parliament Group in the North Rhine-Westphalia Parliament and replaced Papke Gerhard on May 15, 2012 at this office. After the resignation of the Chairperson of Philipp Rösler after the 2013 Federal Election, Linder was elected as Chairman of the New FDP, where FDP could not overcome 5% obstacles for the Bundestag for the first time since 1949.

In run-up to the 2014 European elections, Lindner and the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte acted as a “mediator” between Olli Rehn and Guy Verhofstadt in the Liberal and Democratic alliances for Europe with candidates for the presidency of the European Commission. Together they agreed with Verhrfstad to run Alde’s campaign to replace Jose Manuel Barroso. At that time, Linder was widely known as a colleague in Rena.

Lindner is a FDP delegation to the Federal Assembly for the German presidential election in 2017, where he supports the Government candidate Frank-Walter Steinmeier. In the same year he led a successful party selection campaign in the election of the country in North Rhine-Westphalia, which brought FDP back to the state parliament. Linder himself decided not to take the office in a new government.

Career spotlight.

Lindner’s passionate reaction and interjection, the defense of the entrepreneur and beginner culture made it to the front page of the newspaper in early 2015 and became one of the most widely seen political problems. Before the state parliament in North Rhine-Westphalia, Lindner talked about the importance of entrepreneurship and how failed entrepreneurs would deserve the second chance when a member of the Social Democrats asked the audience: “[Fail] is something you experience.” References to Internet companies founded by Lindner who failed after Dotcom Bubble exploded in the early 2000s. Lindner answered with two and a half minutes tirades. “If you succeed, you end up looking at the social democratic redistribution machine, and if you fail, you can be sure of ridicule,” he replied, showing that this member prefers safe work. He has been non-profit for the rest of his life instead of daring to start a company.

Image, daily newspaper with the highest circulation in Germany, praises Lindner on the front page. The Berlin Daily Tagesspiegel said that Chimpanzees offer a Welcome Contrast with “alternative mistakelism fog” which marks the debate in the Bundestag.

Shortly after the 2017 election, Lindner ruled out new debts to manage the balancing law between reducing income tax and increased investment in digital infrastructure. He criticized the finance minister who came out Wolfgang Schäuble because it was not strong enough in Greece and did not reduce income tax for middle class workers.

In 2011 Lindner married Dagmar Journalist Rosenfeld; They began dating in 2009. On April 19, 2018, they announced their separation. In 2018, he began to meet Journalists Franca Lehfeldt.


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