5 Effective Tips to Prevent Hair Damage

5 Effective Tips to Prevent Hair Damage

Remember the hairstyles people used to carry in the 70’s or 80’s? If you feel that these hair care trends keep on coming back then you might not be wrong. The hair care and styling industry is changing and experiencing this change and every day we are seeing new trends.  

No matter what’s your preference for hairstyling trends, there is always regarding the safety of the procedures and the hair damage. Hair damage doesn’t only come from hair styling, but there are many other prominent causes of hair damage.

Why is Hair Health Important?

From your hair care routine to the food you eat and our outdoor exposure, everything determines the extent of hair damage you end up with. Thus, protecting your hair becomes critically important. Not only this, but many of the lifestyle habits can also damage your hair to a greater extent.

I remember once my aunt used a commercially available Henna product and ended up with a severe hair fall that left her nearly bald. She went to many renowned hospitals in Rawalpindi for treatment. Though she got treated later, the emotional burden she went through was hard to bear. 

How to Protect your Hair?

We can say this, when it comes to hair everything becomes important and affects your hair health. Here are the tips that can help to protect your hair from getting damaged. 

1- Choose the right hair care products

Hair care products come in all varieties. Ranging from mild to harsh ones, the ones designed for oily hair to the frizz-control hair products you can find hundreds of bottles kept on the shelves and can leave anyone confused. However, remember that not a single type of product is suitable for everyone.

Your hair type, the environment you are living in and many other things can define your selection of the products you apply to your hair. So, whenever you are looking for a hair care product make sure to consider your hair health or ask a specialist to help you with it.

2- Don’t wash your hair too often

No matter how tempting you find it to wash your hair over and over again but it is not always necessary and good for your hair. Washing too often can surely damage our hair so try to limit your hair washing frequency. This not only protects your hair but also end up in better frizz control.

3- Get a regular head massage

You might be habitual of a head massage after experiencing a headache. But do you know how important head massage is for your scalp health and better hair growth? Head massage helps to improve the blood circulation that is essentially needed for your hair growth, Other than that, it helps to soothe your scalp and reduces tension, lowers blood pressure as well as supports concentration and memory.

4- Protect your hair from heat

Heat can damage your hair more than you think and it is the worst thing you can do to your hair. We add up to this damage by using heat-based hair styling. No matter how tempting you find it, just don’t overdo it. If you still want to use these things, then it is recommended to apply a heat protectant on your heat. Shielding your hair will surely help to protect your hair from damage.

5- Apply hair mask regularly

If I’m washing and conditioning my hair regularly then why do I need to apply a hair mask? Don’t think too much. A hair mask contains the ingredients that are needed for your hair health, in general, are known to improve your hair health to a greater extent. Be it an egg or mayo mask or contain any other ingredient, just apply it once a week to prevent hair damage and keep your hair healthy.

Bottom Line!Hair health is important for all food reasons. Many things determine our hair health. Beginning from the food we eat to the hair care products we use daily, everything affects our hair health.

Thus, it is recommended to follow the best hair care practices if you want to save your hair from damage. However, if you still experience hair fall, split ends or any other form of hair damage, then it is recommended to go to your physician immediately to protect against further damage.


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